Tattoli Tattoli2023-11-27 12:45:012023-12-01 12:46:21Partnerships for Horizon Europe #5 – 5th and 12th december Tattoli Tattoli2023-11-03 12:33:182023-12-05 12:41:01TrialsNet new calls are open Cavanna Cavanna2022-12-15 11:44:032022-12-15 11:44:03Do you have an energy, process, digital or research challenge to solve? Join Hack4ReStart
The INTonomous international mission will take place in autumn 2021 and will bring to Canada a delegation of selected and qualified SMEs offering solutions related to autonomous driving, grouped in a supply chain logic. Applications due by 1 April. Cavanna Cavanna2021-03-20 15:30:062021-03-26 15:40:19Mission to Canada for autonomous driving SMEs – deadline 1 April Cavanna Cavanna2021-01-15 14:17:342021-01-19 18:42:05[Webinar March 9th] D3T final event
2 innovative European companies selected by the MobiGoIn-Action project are reaching China to participate in a rich program of meetings organized by the project consortium: bwcon, Torino Wireless, Mov’eo and Media Evolution, together with ENRICH CHINA. Cavanna Cavanna2019-09-06 18:06:512019-09-06 18:06:51MobiGoIn-Action Mission to China and Singapore: 6 days of full immersion
On 7 April the Call for Interest of the European project MobiGoIn-Action – coordinated by the Torino Wireless Foundation – ended. There are 20 European SMEs and start-ups selected for the MobiGoIn-Action Internationalization Program in China and Singapore. The companies will be supported in developing business opportunities in the Smart Mobility sector, for the Automotive and Smart City markets.[1].png10481679Chiara Cavanna Cavanna2019-04-09 00:00:002019-05-12 22:50:06MobiGoIn-Action selects 20 SMEs for China and Singapore
ENEA, member of the Enterprise Europe Network’s BridgEconomies Consortium, organises Innovation Village 2019 Brokerage Event, two days of bilateral meetings and roundtables among companies, startups, research centres and universities. The event will take place on April 4 and 5, in the framework of Innovation Village 2019, the fair of innovation and technology transfer organized by Knowledge for Business Srl, promoted by the Regional Ministry for Startups, Innovation and Internationalization of Campania Region and co-organized by Sviluppo Campania, in partnership with ENEA – Enterprise Europe Network and in collaboration with other partners.
The selected companies will first participate in a series of training and coaching activities aimed at preparing the companies to approach the target markets, providing internationalisation competences and skills, market trends analysis, and focused information about market entry and how to better approach a potential buyer/partner Cavanna Cavanna2019-03-07 00:00:002019-05-12 22:50:07Acceleration program to China and Singapore: call for interest open
This second open call, addressed to European SMEs and start-ups from the Automotive & Smart Mobility sector, defines the conditions to apply to the MobiGoIn-Action Internationalisation Mission to USA. Cavanna Cavanna2019-01-03 00:00:002019-05-12 22:50:08SUMPs-Up call for cities to join next round of its learning programme
In November 19-20, the MobiGoIn Network – WR1, composed by the SMEs from selected for MobiGoIn-Action: Acceleration phase for USA and Canada, will meet and exchange experiences, views and build up new potential collaborations within each other.
All towns and cities developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) deal with difficulties. Yet their nature differs: the challenges faced by small- and medium-sized cities are not the same as their larger counterparts.
The “Status of SUMPs in EU Member States” report aims to support the advancement of national SUMP programmes by highlighting the main findings of a joint CIVITAS SUMPs-Up and PROSPERITY study. It summarises the status of SUMP and national SUMP programmes in all 28 EU Member States and elaborates recommendations for countries interested in developing their national programmes. in EU MS Report Cover Image - CUT.png436612Chiara Cavanna Cavanna2018-10-12 00:00:002019-05-12 22:50:09New Report from CIVITAS SUMPs-Up Project
The 39th edition of the Corporate Meeting, organized by the ICT Cluster (Torino Wireless) and CLEVER (Environment Park), took place yesterday, Thursday 21 June, at Copernico Torino Garibaldi.
More than 70 representatives of the business world have been able to deepen their knowledge of the Clusters and their members. As many as 18 innovative companies on the stage of speed pitching and 57 B2B appointments held subsequently to get new contacts and forge partnerships in design and commercial, given the presence in the hall of tourist organizations and hotel chains. Cavanna Cavanna2018-06-12 00:00:002019-05-12 22:50:10Innovation Hubs: a new deal for efficient mobility
This new report provides city planners with guidance on what to include in their action plans in terms of responsibilities, resources, stakeholder coordination, time plans, and funding sources. Alongside this, it contains good examples of action plan documents and templates, alongside a user manual. Action Plan - Cover - small.png573767Chiara Cavanna Cavanna2018-05-28 00:00:002019-05-12 22:50:10New CIVITAS SUMPs-Up report guides cities through SUMP action plan development
The call is adressed to all European SMEs and Start-ups interested in internationalisation opportunities in USA and Canada regarding the Automotive and Smart City markets. Image 2018-04-17 at 15.54.05 (1).jpeg12001600Chiara Cavanna Cavanna2018-05-22 00:00:002019-05-12 22:50:11Call for Interest 1: Acceleration Program for USA and Canada
Despite more Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) support and knowledge appearing for local authorities in recent years, SUMP take-up has remained relatively slow. There is a requirement for a more systematic understanding of and support for SUMP development and implementation.
Three new manuals from CIVITAS SUMPs-Up help fulfil this need. They provide guidance in a topic crucial to SUMP development – measure selection for and the integration of measure packages into a SUMP.
SUMPs-Up is inviting applications to join the next round of its SUMP Learning Programme (SLP).
A SUMP is a strategic plan that aims to create an urban transport system for all citizens that improves safety and security, reduces air and noise pollution, greenhouse gases and energy consumption, and boosts the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the transport of people and goods.
The application deadline is 18:00 CET on 23 April. Call 2 Extension - Website Image - 500 x 332.png332500Chiara Cavanna Cavanna2018-04-10 00:00:002019-05-12 22:50:11Cities invited to join next round of CIVITAS SUMPs-Up learning programmes
Mission to Canada for autonomous driving SMEs – deadline 1 April
/in News /by Chiara CavannaThe INTonomous international mission will take place in autumn 2021 and will bring to Canada a delegation of selected and qualified SMEs offering solutions related to autonomous driving, grouped in a supply chain logic. Applications due by 1 April.
[Webinar March 9th] D3T final event
/in Events, News /by Chiara CavannaThe event will present D3T project main outcomes and funding opportunities for digitalization at local and european level
[Webinar 1st February] Smart Mobility 4 Autonomous Driving Going International
/in Events, News /by Chiara CavannaInternational business opportunities for SMEs operating in the Smart Mobility for Autonomous Driving sector
[Webinar 5th November] ClusterXchange programme
/in Events, News /by Chiara CavannaInternational networking opportunities for Clusters and SMEs operating in the Smart City sector
Circular4.0 – newsletter n.3
/in News /by Chiara CavannaMobiGoIn-Action Mission to China and Singapore: 6 days of full immersion
/in News /by Chiara Cavanna2 innovative European companies selected by the MobiGoIn-Action project are reaching China to participate in a rich program of meetings organized by the project consortium: bwcon, Torino Wireless, Mov’eo and Media Evolution, together with ENRICH CHINA.
MobiGoIn-Action selects 20 SMEs for China and Singapore
/in News /by Chiara CavannaOn 7 April the Call for Interest of the European project MobiGoIn-Action – coordinated by the Torino Wireless Foundation – ended. There are 20 European SMEs and start-ups selected for the MobiGoIn-Action Internationalization Program in China and Singapore. The companies will be supported in developing business opportunities in the Smart Mobility sector, for the Automotive and Smart City markets.
Innovation Village 2019 Brokerage Event
/in News /by Chiara CavannaENEA, member of the Enterprise Europe Network’s BridgEconomies Consortium, organises Innovation Village 2019 Brokerage Event, two days of bilateral meetings and roundtables among companies, startups, research centres and universities. The event will take place on April 4 and 5, in the framework of Innovation Village 2019, the fair of innovation and technology transfer organized by Knowledge for Business Srl, promoted by the Regional Ministry for Startups, Innovation and Internationalization of Campania Region and co-organized by Sviluppo Campania, in partnership with ENEA – Enterprise Europe Network and in collaboration with other partners.
Acceleration program to China and Singapore: call for interest open
/in News /by Chiara CavannaThe selected companies will first participate in a series of training and coaching activities aimed at preparing the companies to approach the target markets, providing internationalisation competences and skills, market trends analysis, and focused information about market entry and how to better approach a potential buyer/partner
Deadline 7 aprile at 23.59 CET
Smart Mobility US Mission, Feb 25th-28th 2019
/in News /by Chiara CavannaThis second open call, addressed to European SMEs and start-ups from the Automotive & Smart Mobility sector, defines the conditions to apply to the MobiGoIn-Action Internationalisation Mission to USA.
SUMPs-Up call for cities to join next round of its learning programme
/in News /by Chiara CavannaThe CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project has launched a call for cities to take part in its next SUMP Learning Programme (SLP).
Torino Wireless strengthens its European smart mobility network
/in News /by Chiara CavannaIn November 19-20, the MobiGoIn Network – WR1, composed by the SMEs from selected for MobiGoIn-Action: Acceleration phase for USA and Canada, will meet and exchange experiences, views and build up new potential collaborations within each other.
What SUMP challenges do small- and medium-sized cities face?
/in News /by Chiara CavannaAll towns and cities developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) deal with difficulties. Yet their nature differs: the challenges faced by small- and medium-sized cities are not the same as their larger counterparts.
New Report from CIVITAS SUMPs-Up Project
/in News /by Chiara CavannaThe “Status of SUMPs in EU Member States” report aims to support the advancement of national SUMP programmes by highlighting the main findings of a joint CIVITAS SUMPs-Up and PROSPERITY study. It summarises the status of SUMP and national SUMP programmes in all 28 EU Member States and elaborates recommendations for countries interested in developing their national programmes.
Piedmont’s Innovation Clusters promote Smart Hospitality
/in News /by Chiara CavannaThe 39th edition of the Corporate Meeting, organized by the ICT Cluster (Torino Wireless) and CLEVER (Environment Park), took place yesterday, Thursday 21 June, at Copernico Torino Garibaldi.
More than 70 representatives of the business world have been able to deepen their knowledge of the Clusters and their members. As many as 18 innovative companies on the stage of speed pitching and 57 B2B appointments held subsequently to get new contacts and forge partnerships in design and commercial, given the presence in the hall of tourist organizations and hotel chains.
Innovation Hubs: a new deal for efficient mobility
/in News /by Chiara CavannaLaura Morgagni, Director of Torino Wireless, interviewed by Nathalie Croisé, journalist, at the Imagine Mobility Forum
New CIVITAS SUMPs-Up report guides cities through SUMP action plan development
/in News /by Chiara CavannaThis new report provides city planners with guidance on what to include in their action plans in terms of responsibilities, resources, stakeholder coordination, time plans, and funding sources. Alongside this, it contains good examples of action plan documents and templates, alongside a user manual.
Call for Interest 1: Acceleration Program for USA and Canada
/in News /by Chiara CavannaThe call is adressed to all European SMEs and Start-ups interested in internationalisation opportunities in USA and Canada regarding the Automotive and Smart City markets.
New CIVITAS SUMPs-Up manuals give advice on SUMP measure selection
/in News /by Chiara CavannaDespite more Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) support and knowledge appearing for local authorities in recent years, SUMP take-up has remained relatively slow. There is a requirement for a more systematic understanding of and support for SUMP development and implementation.
Three new manuals from CIVITAS SUMPs-Up help fulfil this need. They provide guidance in a topic crucial to SUMP development – measure selection for and the integration of measure packages into a SUMP.
Cities invited to join next round of CIVITAS SUMPs-Up learning programmes
/in News /by Chiara CavannaSUMPs-Up is inviting applications to join the next round of its SUMP Learning Programme (SLP).
A SUMP is a strategic plan that aims to create an urban transport system for all citizens that improves safety and security, reduces air and noise pollution, greenhouse gases and energy consumption, and boosts the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the transport of people and goods.
The application deadline is 18:00 CET on 23 April.