AIBC open calls are open
Open Call of the project AIBC Eurocluster Artificial Intelligence & BlockChian for a greener and more digital economy.
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Chiara Cavanna contributed a whooping 2512 entries.
Open Call of the project AIBC Eurocluster Artificial Intelligence & BlockChian for a greener and more digital economy.
Presentation of ideas and competences for project proposals, inspiring sessions and panels, and targeted 1:1 meetings for creating consortia.
The selection of challenges to be presented on 23 and 24 February 2023 at the A&T international trade fair in Turin is now open.
Renewed the brand and strengthened the mission. Public shareholders confirm their support until 2050. The corporate structure expands with three new members. Focus on digitally fragile enterprises and entities, PNRR and Public-Private Partnerships.
In this -get to know- format, we invite manufacturing companies to familiarize with ReSTART SMEs’ digital transformation services.
You can expect our technology experts to guide you through your transformation journey, starting from a comprehensive assessment of your company’s needs. Further, look forward to receiving a dedicated roadmap and jumping to the uptake of digitalization and technology!
SmartCTClusters is a European project funded by the COSME programme of the European Union which aims to create a network of clusters and their ecosystems to promote long-term, cross-sectoral, cross-geographic initiatives in the Smart City domain by developing a Partnership Roadmap.
In this meeting we will explore the most promising technological opportunities for manufacturing SMES, through working groups to talk about challenges and solutions.
In this meeting we will explore the most promising technological prospects and internationalisation opportunities beyond Europe for SMEs that are betting on this sector.
The INTonomous international mission will take place in autumn 2021 and will bring to Canada a delegation of selected and qualified SMEs offering solutions related to autonomous driving, grouped in a supply chain logic. Applications due by 1 April.
International business opportunities for SMEs operating in the Smart Mobility for Autonomous Driving sector
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Tel +39 011 19501401
C.F.: 97634160010 P.I.: 09049730014