SUMPs-Up call for cities to join next round of its learning programme

The deadline for applications is 12:00 CET on 11 January 2019

The CIVITAS SUMPs-Up project has launched a call for cities to take part in its next SUMP Learning Programme (SLP).


Up to 25 planning authorities have the chance to join SLP 5, which will start in May 2019. This group of mobility practitioners will complete the Expert Group of 90 SUMP cities.

Programme format and content

The six-month SLP module combines knowledge transfer, testing and assessment with learning on concepts, approaches, tools, and methodologies for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) development.

The activities blend online and face-to-face learning and exchange. Participants also benefit from one city-to-city review and a one-to-one support session from SUMPs-Up mobility experts.

SLP 5 will focus on SUMP implementation, financing and procurement. Activities will include writing and reviewing a SUMP action plan, monitoring and evaluating the impact of measures, procuring services, and identifying new challenges.

Who should apply?

SUMPs-Up is seeking mobility and transport professionals active in local or regional transport planning authorities that have experience in sustainable mobility planning. Cities that are currently elaborating their first SUMP are also encouraged to apply.

Alongside urban or regional authorities, local consortiums containing such an authority can also apply. All applicants must be based in a Member State of the European Union or a country in the European Economic Area.

The full eligibility criteria can be found in the call document below.

Time to apply

The deadline for applications is 12:00 CET on 11 January 2019. Click here to access the application form.

To read the full call document, click here. Additionally, frequently asked questions and their answers can be viewed here. For further information, visit the call page.

Should you have any enquiries, contact