The AI4Citizens project addresses the opportunities and challenges related to the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in the public sector, particularly in local and regional governments, with a focus on ethical aspects.
DO Impact is a European project aimed at strengthening the social economy through digitalization and data-driven solutions. Coordinated by Fondazione Piemonte Innova, the project involves nine European partners and will run from September 2024 to September 2026.
The MoTO project aims to create a Living Lab in Turin to explore innovative solutions for social, shared, and digital mobility. It brings together public and private partners to test mobility technologies, including urban monitoring, carpooling, and inclusive services for the visually impaired. The project focuses on improving urban well-being and sustainability through cutting-edge mobility solutions.
Development of new smart and sustainable urban mobility scenarios.
Artificial Intelligence & BlockChain for a greener and more digital economy supported by EUROpean CLUSTERS
TRials supported by Smart Networks beyond 5G
INTernationalisation for Autonomous Driving actors
Progetto Europeo (Horizon 2020) per lo sviluppo di modalità innovative di supporto alla Digital Transformation
Studio di fattibilità per progetto WI FI di Camera di commercio di Torino
Progetto Europeo (Horizon 2020) per lo sviluppo di piani per la mobilità sostenibile
Create synergies with existing innovation actions, programs, funds
Networking and clustering activities with industrial and academic partners at local and national level
Partnership of European R&I projects
Management of funds for R&I at regional level
Accelerate the business ecosystem at regional and national level
Coordination and management of the Regional Innovation Cluster on ICT (Polo ICT)
Coordination of the National Technology Cluster for Smart Communities
Establish direct contacts and relationships with policy makers
Partner and representative of Turin Municipality and other Piedmont Municipalities
Representative of Piedmont Region and other Italian Regions through the National Technology Cluster for Smart Communities
Deploy its experience in complex project management related to Smart City
Coordination and management of Turin Smart City Master Plan development
Coordination of the National Technology Cluster for Smart Communities
Moreover, Piemonte Innova can activate its network by involving:
SMEs, big companies, R&D centres, Universities, scientific and technological parks, specifically in the ICT sector
Local institutions like Piedmont Region, Turin Province, Turin City and Turin Chamber of Commerce
Public and private stakeholders
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