Call4Testing ToMove4Future – open call until 26 march

Call4Testing ToMove4Future is officially open

City of Turin’s “Call4Testing ToMove4Future” is officially open: the call will provide financial support to companies that want to test their technologies, services and solutions in three areas of sustainable urban mobility.

The Italian City of Turin has launched a new call for testing of the ToMove project, funded by the Department for Digital Transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers under the National Plan Complementary to the PNRR (PNC-A.1-N1, Measure 1.4.6 – MAAS4ITALY).

With the ToMove project, the City of Turin and its strategic partners in the area want to imagine and test technologies and new service scenarios that can make Turin an area where getting around becomes increasingly efficient, sustainable, safe and flexible. To do this, the doors will be opened to co-experimentation with the territory’s mobility operators, the world of research and business.

The members of the ToMove Promoting Committee include: City of Turin, Politecnico di Torino, University of Turin, LINKS Foundation, 5T Turin, Fondazione Piemonte Innova.

The call for testing

The City intends to select individual companies or partnerships willing to develop and test innovative urban mobility pilot projects under real-world conditions based on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) technologies.

The call will provide financial support to companies that want to test their technologies, services and solutions in the following areas:

  • advanced data acquisition, processing or exploitation technologies for Mobility Servitization or possible integration with ToMove’s Digital Twin;
  • advanced solutions and services for ITS Cooperatives;
  • robotic and other emerging technologies to support Last Mile logistics.

The proposed solutions should share the objectives of the ToMove project:

  • improvement of the safety and inclusiveness of urban mobility;
  • reduction of CO2 emissions and promotion of environmental sustainability;
  • traffic decongestion and optimization of mobility flows.

The benefits for participating enterprises

The advantages of participating in the call include:

  • single application for start-ups and SMEs that in case of admission will be entitled to a contribution by way of reimbursement of expenses incurred amounting to €70,000;
  • partnership application for companies of any size that will be entitled in total to a contribution by way of reimbursement of expenses incurred amounting to €160,000;
  • 30% co-financing is provided in both cases.

Participating enterprises will also get:

  • support in defining the use case;
  • accompaniment to testing and monitoring of activities by technical experts from the ToMove Promoting Committee;
  • evaluation of post-intervention scenarios, in terms of expected impacts;
  • involvement in animation, communication, marketing and scaling up activities also at the international level;
  • access to the assets made available for experimentation.

For more information

More information and application documents are available on the call’s official webpage (in Italian language). Applications will close at 12:00 (Italian local time) on March 26, 2025.

The City of Turin and the other partners of the ToMove project have also designed an accompanying path dedicated to companies, SMEs, start-ups and spin-offs interested in the Call4Testing ToMove4Future. The first meeting will be held on Friday, February 7, 2025, from 11:00 to 12:00, in the form of a free webinar, which will aim to present the Call4Testing ToMove4Future and the criteria for participation.